Tuesday, March 25, 2008


For those who haven't heard there is a new product out called the RIMROLLER. The idea behind this product is that it roles the rim of a Tim Hortons cup for you. This task alone is so simple that you do not need something to do it for you. I think that this is a stupid product. I think that its a waste of money and those who buy it are just spending their money for no reason. Don't get me wrong the person who came out with it I applaud for taken the opportunity and making it real. It is a product that people will buy and I guess it is useful for an older demographic, but I still feel its a waste of money. 

If you have already bought one I feel sorry for you and if you plan too DON'T. Save your money and put it towards something useful...why don't you buy a coffee with it.

1 comment:

DanyWu said...

it is a waste of money indeed