Tuesday, March 25, 2008

AIGA student competion & design trends

The AIGA student competition was an amazing idea. I think that it would have been an amazing and incredible experience if I was apart of the show. Every week I looked forward in seeing the next episode because I wanted to see the students work. It was interesting to see each students ideas throughout the competition because they were never similar to one another. They all had different views and ideas for each concept. I think the AIGA did an excellent job in choosing the competitions. Before we started watching the competition I figured everything was going to be campaigns or posters, but it wasn't at all. The three competitions were exciting from a logo design, package design and campaign proposal. All three competitions hit the whole range in the design world. With the range of the competitions came many different ideas. This encouraged the students to always do research on the topic. 

After seeing all of the students designs from the beginning to the end it was noticeable to see that the design trends is going in the direction of new being old. Most of their designs seemed to take old aspects of older ideas or concepts and use them in their new designs. I feel that this is the trend because it works. Not only does it attract an older demographic it does the same to a younger one as well. Design in general today is all beginning to do this. Not only design but clothing and music is too. The younger demographic is beginning to wear and listen to older style clothing and music. This is why this trend is beginning more popular because designs or logos, packages and campaigns can now attract both older and younger demographics at the same time with an older design sense. This is where I feel design is going and why I think the students from the AIGA competitions decided on their design style.

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