Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Hey guys my dad came home tonight and made me go onto this site called Africam. It is one of the most amazing things I have seen in a while. If your into traveling or animals check this site out. Its a live feed from Africa which is primarily based around watering holes. It can be boring at times but for the most part it is amazing. My dad was saying that people were telling him they had seen attacks by lions on antelopes. My first live siting was some sort of ground hog lol. So go give it a shot I know you wont be disappointed.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


This isn't your ordinary garbage bag. This stylish side bag is actually made out of recycled PET bottles. It would not look as though it was made out of recycled material but it was. This just shows how advanced we are getting with making new and affordable products that are still fashionable. This bag was designed by and award-winning Brooklyn-based artist named Leanor Mendoza. She has designed many other interesting things from jewelry, doors, and dividers and can be seen in Washington DC at the Art Museum. If you are interested in her other works visit her site at the link below.


Hybrid cars are becoming more popular and seen everywhere. The issue today is where are we going to charge our cars when they run out. People can charge their cars when they are home but what if it looses charge while you are out. Smarlet came out with a concept the size maybe even smaller then a parking meter. This device will allow the owners of Hybrid cars to charge up while they are out.  They plan to either have the meter as a pay per charge, billed later on or making it free for an incentive for people to switch over.
I think this is a great idea and should be done everywhere. If these do began to become more popular I do feel a lot more people will switch over to Hybrid cars. 


For those who haven't heard there is a new product out called the RIMROLLER. The idea behind this product is that it roles the rim of a Tim Hortons cup for you. This task alone is so simple that you do not need something to do it for you. I think that this is a stupid product. I think that its a waste of money and those who buy it are just spending their money for no reason. Don't get me wrong the person who came out with it I applaud for taken the opportunity and making it real. It is a product that people will buy and I guess it is useful for an older demographic, but I still feel its a waste of money. 

If you have already bought one I feel sorry for you and if you plan too DON'T. Save your money and put it towards something useful...why don't you buy a coffee with it.

AIGA student competion & design trends

The AIGA student competition was an amazing idea. I think that it would have been an amazing and incredible experience if I was apart of the show. Every week I looked forward in seeing the next episode because I wanted to see the students work. It was interesting to see each students ideas throughout the competition because they were never similar to one another. They all had different views and ideas for each concept. I think the AIGA did an excellent job in choosing the competitions. Before we started watching the competition I figured everything was going to be campaigns or posters, but it wasn't at all. The three competitions were exciting from a logo design, package design and campaign proposal. All three competitions hit the whole range in the design world. With the range of the competitions came many different ideas. This encouraged the students to always do research on the topic. 

After seeing all of the students designs from the beginning to the end it was noticeable to see that the design trends is going in the direction of new being old. Most of their designs seemed to take old aspects of older ideas or concepts and use them in their new designs. I feel that this is the trend because it works. Not only does it attract an older demographic it does the same to a younger one as well. Design in general today is all beginning to do this. Not only design but clothing and music is too. The younger demographic is beginning to wear and listen to older style clothing and music. This is why this trend is beginning more popular because designs or logos, packages and campaigns can now attract both older and younger demographics at the same time with an older design sense. This is where I feel design is going and why I think the students from the AIGA competitions decided on their design style.


During the final episode of the AIGA's Command X we saw the concepts of Kelly, Matthew and Nichelles solutions to make youths vote. All of their concepts were very cleaver and somewhat similar. Before watching the episode I envisioned different stationary or designs that they might have created. That is one reason this episode blew me away. Even-though Kelly's concept had a bit more illustration all of their concepts and ideas were written. They used writing/copy to attract youth to vote. All three concepts were very interesting to how much simple copy can create an impact. This goes to show that writing is design. Not only did the students from the Command X show use writing but people every where like authors, poets and directors all use writing to design. Before a movie is made it is written into a script. This script is done so the reader can view and imagine the movie before it is created. An author writes a book for a literal journey and a poet writes for passion but it also imprints a picture into the readers mind. This goes to show that writing does just as much as an image or an illustration. 
In my opinion it does more because it doesn't give you a set image it allows your imagination to create the picture. This allows for different minds to view it different ways and allows for different feelings. This is why writing is design...


When we were asked the question "are designers obliged to do pro bono work?" many perceptions flew around in my head. My first opinion on this question  is that I do not feel we are obliged to do this work. As a designers I feel if you do decide to do pro bono work, it not only is a way to promote your capabilities but it is also positive way give back to the community. On the other hand if you do not decide to do the work I feel that it should not effect you negatively. All work that you receive is your decision whether you want to do it or not. We all have our rights and I feel if you take the work or leave it you are still the same person.

Even though pro bono work can be a very fulfilling and rewarding experience it is still your choice whether you take the work or reject it. 

Design Work I would Refuse!

After our class discussion it was interesting to see how much work I would probably take over some of my other classmates. It was interesting to me to see how others in class would not to work for certain issues. This could be because of something that has happened during there lives or just for moral rights. For something issues like smoking and drinking I would have to say that I would do design work for. The reason I would is because as much as I would like to say that my work could impact this issue I really feel that it wouldn't. The only people that it may impact are the ones who are already concerned about the issue. There are too many people out there that do drink and smoke for my design work to make a difference. 

Issues that I would not do design work for are things like "clubbing seals", "abortions" and "polluting". Issues like these I don't think should be addressed and should not even be going on. I would not design work for these issues to encourage people to act upon these issues. I would on the other hand do design work for them if it was to address the issue in an anti polluting  or anti abortion campaign. 

Overall I have my boundaries when it comes down to providing my design skills to certain work. I have my limits and moral rights. When it comes down work I will decide whether I want to produce the piece or not.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Compact Places

My girlfriend is leaving for Thailand very shortly and she has been researching and watching videos to get prepared for when she leaves. She came across this video and showed it to me and now I wish to show it to you. I found it so interesting to see how other cultures live and this video gives you a very good example. It is amazing to see how something like this can happen everyday and they work around it.


Check out these three videos from Bangkok Insurance where they use real life scenarios and humor to advertise their company. I think that more companies should use this approach because not only is it hilarious but it also leaves the companies image in your mind

CHECK IT OUT you wont be let down!

Are We Selling an Experience?

As a designer I do feel we are selling an experience. I feel this way because whether its for ourselves, a client, or a corporation there is always an experience. In every piece of work that we produce the experience starts right from the beginning. From when the idea comes into play the experience begins. The experience gives the piece a work a sense of feeling, it intrigues the individual. We sell these experiences to bring the individual closer to the idea...close enough so that they can feel it within. Selling an experience is beginning to become a way of advertising, everyone is doing it.  They are doing it because it works and sells...not only the experience but the product.


Before we began to watch the AIGA Command X competition I was very interested.  I was interested because I had never heard about it before and there has never been a competition like it. When hearing about it I began to create a mental image and feeling about how the show might be, I was interested to see what it was going to be like and who the contestants were.  Once we began to watch it I had mixed feelings. I thought that the show was great but I felt that it lacked rehearsal and preparation.  Other then these small issues I felt that this event was very compelling. 

The way they set the show up in three parts was a great idea. I was interesting in part one to get to know the contestants and realize that they are just like me. (it could be me up there) The part of the show that I found most interesting was the critiques on the contestants work. It was nice to see their work but the judging I felt was the best part. I feel this way because at first I thought they were going to be really easy on the contestants, but they did critique and "bash" their work. It was nice to see someone like me presenting their work to such a big crowd and to view work from people that have been chosen from thousands. 

I am very excited to see the next part of the show, it should be interesting to see the designs of a box that holds sausage covered pancakes on sticks.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

RIP Jeff Healey

For those that didn't hear Jeff Healey passed away yesterday. Jeff was a blind Canadian jazz and blues rock guitarist and vocalist from Toronto, Ontario. I wanted to write a post about Jeff because I wanted to give recognition to him and allow for the people who didn't know him learn who he was. Jeff Healey has always been in my life because my father has always had him playing whether it be at our house or at our cottage. Jeff was an outstanding musician and will always be missed. His music will continue to play and he will be forever remembered.

RIP Jeff Healey

Sunday, March 2, 2008

'What I have Learned So Far'

  • Always face your fears
  • Be yourself - don't change yourself to fit in with others
  • Laugh and smile everyday
  • Mistakes are meant to happen - its a way of learning
  • Being friendly creates friendships
  • LATCH is very important
  • Peanut butter and bananas go good together
  • Look both ways before you cross the street
  • Never give up - if something is difficult just keep trying
  • Type is a very in depth subject
  • Design is what we see and feel
  • Mentos and coke will hurt your stomach
  • Keep friends close and your enemies even closer
  • Dress to impress
  • Family is always there for you
  • Never eat yellow snow

'10 things that make ME happy'

1. Winter
2. Self expression
3. My girlfriend
4. Sleeping in
5. Snowboarding
6. Clean Underwear
7. My nephews
8. Family occasions
9. Hanging out with friends
10. Pudding