Sunday, January 20, 2008


CHAPTER 1: The Mediated World - Analyze Assignment


For this assignment I had a conversation with one of my classmates named Chris Bacchus...a man of mystery. As we talked I noticed that Chris had many different characteristics when he spoke. All of these characteristics fit into the categories below.
VOCAL - As Chris and I were in conversation I noticed that his voice was fairly monotone. His voice only tends to get higher or louder when he is speaking about something exciting or interesting to him. During our conversation I could understand Chris because he did not speak to fast. Chris speaks fairly slowly so that you can catch everything he is saying and also understand it all.
VISUAL - Visually Chris was very pleasing. His hair is very short which set a very clean visual to him. His beard was kind of rough and rugged but not enough to make him look dirty or unhygienic. His style was very business casual because he wore a very nice stripped polo and khaki pants. He also wears glasses so this also gave off a look of an smart business man. Some other things I noticed while he spoke was that he tends to raise his eyebrows and smiles a lot. Both of these things made the conversation more interesting because it made me feel as though he was enjoying his time. One thing that made me think otherwise was when he yawned twice in our conversation. This was either because he was bored and didn't want to talk any more or tired from the night before.
TACTILE - Chris tends to move around quite a bit while in a conversation. I noticed that he moved his hands and legs around the most. With his hands Chris would either play with a pen, rub them together and even move them in a clapping motion. With his legs and feet Chris would either move his legs back and forth, tap his feet or just shake them around. All of these things gave me the impression that he was either bored or nervous. 

OLFACTORY - I did not notice any smell to Chris. I feel that this is a good thing because even though I didn't smell something nice like a cologne I feel it is better that I didn't smell anything because he could have had bad body odor or even worse smelt like poo. (thanks for not smelling Chris)

All of these things were characteristics that I noticed on Chris during our conversation.

1 comment:

Scott K said...

Chris...crushing yet his 5th baconator of the morning