Sunday, February 3, 2008

print MEDIA

What Print do you consume??

The print that I usually consume is magazine, books, handouts at school and flyers/coupons. Some of these include magazines like Transworld, HUCK, and Applied Arts, books that are usually design based or biography’s and the rest are just the usual in class handouts and coupons you get in the mail. The majority of my reading comes from a digital media “the world wide web” its much easier and faster to find what you want and what you are interested in.  Even though it is easier I still do enjoy hands on reading.

How Will Design Change Print Media??

The biggest thing that design will do to Print Media is in a digital matter.  The reason why digital will be the thing to change print media is because it is much faster and more accessible then print media.  With digital media people are able to transport information and access information at the click of a button…instead of a seal, lick and wait. With digital media people are able to access information to the minuet where as with only print media they would have to wait overnight to hear late breaking information. Digital media is also a way for us to consume resources that aren’t necessary to use/waste. With digital media it is a way for us to save paper and help the environment. The design world is changing the media and will continue to change the media. It is going to continue to evolve into bigger and better things. Some that people will like and some that people may not enjoy…there will always be change.

Will Print Die??

This question is hard to answer. In my opinion print media will not die. I feel that it will come to a point that it will slow down drastically. Even though digital media like Internet has made a huge impact on print media already I feel that it will continue to. People enjoy being able to access information from where ever they are. Print media will continue to exist because people including me still like to purchase magazines and have something in their hands. Print will slow down though when the baby boomers and the generation below them begin to fade away. It is because of them that technology hasn’t taken over even more. They haven’t adjusted or learned how to use all of these technologies so they still need print media. Overall print media will not die but I feel it will slow down.

1 comment:

john said...

Excellent post on print media trends. I agree that online publishing is increasing rapidly all over the globe as the readers are looking for e-edition of their favorite publications. I do the frequent research on publishing trends and I found in most of the surveys that online publishing revenue is increasing rapidly. As the result, publishers are adopted the new technologies and using the services like to convert their print publications into digital versions.