Sunday, February 10, 2008


Yet another Superbowl just passed, number 42 to be exact. Even though it was an upset to see the Patriots lose the commercials seemed to uplift my spirit. This years commercials for the Superbowl were in my opinion hilarious. Although there were too many movie trailers there were still enough to compensate for them. The commercials for Superbowl are beginning to attract more and more people to this eventful night. People are starting to not only watch the Superbowl not only for the game but just to see the commercials. Much like the years before the commercials this year followed the same comedic theme. Not only were the commercials humorous they were very thought out and designed spectacularly. 

One of the commercials I really enjoyed was the commercials for the new Audi R8. Not only did I like this commercial for the car but its conceptual idea was brilliant. Audi based this commercial around the Godfather, the scene showed an old man waking up in a greasy state and at the end of his bed was the grill of his prize possession car "his love". This was not a great idea to tie in with their new release but it also gave the new R8 a very aggressive and edgy feel. Another one of my favorite's of this years Superbowl was Pepsi's commercial with Justin Timberlake. Not only was it nice to see Justin getting thrown around I thought it tied in very well at the end. Its whole concept with every sip to get closer to the prizes was ingenious. Even though I think they have used this before I thought the commercial was very strong.

With all of that said I thought this years Superbowl commercials were done very well. There was a wide variety, from comedic to sexual. All commercials would have grasp the attention of anyone that night and that is what they are meant to do. In my opinion I think the commercials are a what raise the Superbowls ratings. There are many football fans out their but when your team isn't in the bowl you end up watching it for these award winning commercials.Watch the two here... 

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