Sunday, January 27, 2008

Favorite Design

I have always been amazed by architecture, so it is hard for me to narrow it down to just one specific designed building.   One of my most recent favorite designs is the Michael Lee – Chin Crystal. For those that do not know what this is it is the new addition on the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) in Toronto. The reason why this building is one of my favorite designs is because of its stunning architecture. The building is composed of many irregular angles that hang over the streets of Toronto. It interplays with the old building of the ROM as it does not look like a separate futuristic building. Its connection between the old and new building fits so well with downtown Toronto especially because Toronto is known for its vast variety of its different people, cultures and concepts.  The building itself is not only visually appealing from the outside; it is also fully functional for showing of historical and educational displays.  The addition to the ROM was inspired by the museums gem and mineral collection has now become a hidden gem within the city of Toronto.

For more information on this extraordinary building visit this website, or just take a look for yourself and visit it in person!



The design world changed in the year of 1984. During this year Macintosh computers introduced the original Mac through a commercial in the Super Bowl. This first commercial display was the start of Apples uprising in the mediated world.

Since there first commercial Apple hasn’t slowed down.  Apple’s CEO Steve Jobs has always been ahead of the times. With his innovative and simplistic design style and creative and quirky use of typography, Steve Job’s has created a product that was designed specially for people. His first success was marketing his products for a market that hadn’t yet been acknowledged, a market for the design society.  This was a success because companies like Microsoft and Dell had already based their computers on a market for a business lifestyle.

Once succeeding in the design industry, Apple began to create a lifestyle with their computers.  They began to create computers that would work for the individual not work the individual. They also brought out different marketing schemes like  “think different” and “Get a Mac” and also brought out products like “iLife” and “iWork”. All of these things were still marketed towards the design industry but they were also starting to address the other markets like the Business lifestyle. With all of these advertisements and products Apple had designed an easy and elegant lifestyle, something that everyone would be attracted too.

For the last 10 years Apple has only gotten stronger. They have continued using clean designs in their advertisements and in their products. This gives the viewers a sense of well-being and the prospect of an open canvas. Apple has also had some problems with some of their products over the years but they handle it in a way that is accommodating for the consumer.  They have always been ahead of all other companies in this particular market giving them a heads up on consumers. This has also made it a lot harder for other companies to compete Apple continues to raise the bar higher and higher.

I feel that Apple is going to continue to lead in the design world with their minimalist designs. They use colours that are very calming to people, and also use colours with their products that make their products look very rich and bold. Apple keeps their designs very simple because they know people like it this way Apple has dominated and will continue to dominate.  Apple’s clean designs in their advertisement and products are more appealing to the consumer compared to competing companies like Dell and Microsoft because Apple stays away from using fine print and cluttered pieces of information.  By doing so Apple is demonstrating that they as a company have nothing to hide from the customer, and that they stand behind their product one hundred percent.

Thursday, January 24, 2008


The information below is for an exercise we were asked to do for our class. This exercise was to observe how many hours in a week I spend on certain things. Below will show you how many hours I spend in a week on these certain topics.

  • Books - 3 hours
  • Magazine - 2 hours
  • Car Radio - 3.5 Hours
  • iPOD - 3.5 Hours
  • Car CD Player - 12 Hours
  • 2 Hours
  • 18 Hours (Surfing)
  • MSN - 7 Hours
  • Facebook - 1 Hour
  • 3 Hours
  • Calls - 2 Hours
  • Text Messaging - 5 Hours


Sunday, January 20, 2008


CHAPTER 1: The Mediated World - Analyze Assignment


For this assignment I had a conversation with one of my classmates named Chris Bacchus...a man of mystery. As we talked I noticed that Chris had many different characteristics when he spoke. All of these characteristics fit into the categories below.
VOCAL - As Chris and I were in conversation I noticed that his voice was fairly monotone. His voice only tends to get higher or louder when he is speaking about something exciting or interesting to him. During our conversation I could understand Chris because he did not speak to fast. Chris speaks fairly slowly so that you can catch everything he is saying and also understand it all.
VISUAL - Visually Chris was very pleasing. His hair is very short which set a very clean visual to him. His beard was kind of rough and rugged but not enough to make him look dirty or unhygienic. His style was very business casual because he wore a very nice stripped polo and khaki pants. He also wears glasses so this also gave off a look of an smart business man. Some other things I noticed while he spoke was that he tends to raise his eyebrows and smiles a lot. Both of these things made the conversation more interesting because it made me feel as though he was enjoying his time. One thing that made me think otherwise was when he yawned twice in our conversation. This was either because he was bored and didn't want to talk any more or tired from the night before.
TACTILE - Chris tends to move around quite a bit while in a conversation. I noticed that he moved his hands and legs around the most. With his hands Chris would either play with a pen, rub them together and even move them in a clapping motion. With his legs and feet Chris would either move his legs back and forth, tap his feet or just shake them around. All of these things gave me the impression that he was either bored or nervous. 

OLFACTORY - I did not notice any smell to Chris. I feel that this is a good thing because even though I didn't smell something nice like a cologne I feel it is better that I didn't smell anything because he could have had bad body odor or even worse smelt like poo. (thanks for not smelling Chris)

All of these things were characteristics that I noticed on Chris during our conversation.


I had to post this because as soon as I saw it I thought of all of us. I was watching the Rick Mercer Report the other night and this video came on about the last man to get his BLOG. I thought it was funny because in the video it says that there is no one but him that has a BLOG and its probably pretty close to being true.

Until we started this class I don't think any of us had our own blog but now that we had to have one we do now. Not only did I find it funny for that reason but also because the video came out after we all got Blogs. I hope you all check this video out because it is really really funny.

Saturday, January 19, 2008


Ya so we have all seen the new macbook Air...and you are probably asking mommy and daddy for it, in my opinion it is nothing special other then the size of it...but like we all say BIGGER IS BETTER so go with the PRO.

The thing I think you should be checking out is the mac Time Capsule. This thing is unreal. Not only is it router its also a 500 GB hardrive to back all your stuff up. If your in the market for at least one of these things I would defiantly recommend checking this out!!!

Friday, January 11, 2008


I came by this video and had to post it on my blog, not only because its funny but we can all relate to this so well. I found this so funny because its all so true and it uses all the terms that we all know now because of this course.

This video NEEDS TO BE SEEN.



I think everyone will enjoy this video. This video will not only blow your mind but it will also bring back the younger years when TECH DECKS first came out.

I know I remember getting one and playing around but I was never as good as this guy.

Not only are his tricks clean and amazing all of the set ups, lighting and footage is too!!!


Thursday, January 10, 2008


Alright I was on youtube again and came across another cool video.

This one is on hand painting - painting peoples hands to look like animals. Some still and some in action. All of these paintings are very detailed and incredible.



If your ever bored and don't know what to do this video might inspire you to do something like this. I found this video on youtube and thought it was kind of cool because it has to do with the career we are all entering. Go check it out and let me know what you think.



For all you people who love to ride or just love design Burton Snowboarding company has some of the best looking and designed gear for your snowboarding obsession. If your into design or both check out their new gear for 2008. Their gear is not only top of the line for the sport but has some awesome design work to go along with it.


Wednesday, January 9, 2008


As I said in one of my earlier posts...I really love snowboarding. I came across the timeline of Burton Snowboards starting from 1977 and goes all the way to 2002. I know its still kind of old but its really cool seeing the variations of how boards were then till now.

Even if you don't snowboard or enjoy or know much about snowboarding I would still recommend that you check this link out it is really cool.



Alright during the christmas break I was in Buffalo and I saw this cool new too for the winter season.

If you are one of those people who love snowball fights then this is something you need!

Bring Back the Snow

Ok guys...its pretty easy to see that basically all the snow is gone. I want to bring back the snow by posting some interesting things to do with snow. These posts are for the people who's favorite season is winter and who love the white stuff.

This first post may be old to some of you because it was built and brought out a while ago. It is a building that was created in Dubai for indoor skiing, snowboarding, tubing and more.

Dubai is desert and is a country with one of the driest climates in the world. Until they developed this indoor ski hill you would have never seen snow there. This is so interesting to me because snowboarding is one of my favorite sports and after seeing this attraction in Dubai it is somewhere I would love to go in my life.

If you are interested to learn more about this or would like to see what I am talking about visit this link




I see that you have made it to my personal blog. Here you will find a variety of different postings. These postings are things that I enjoy and inspire me. Please feel free to look around and post any comments or feelings about my personal blog.

Hope you all enjoy it!